Little FAQ
You know what is best for your child. Help us assess if our program is right for your family.
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The safety of your child is our highest priority. Making the best possible match between Little and Big is critical to the growth and development of a child. Before we begin the matching process, we start by thoroughly screening potential Bigs. The Big Brothers Big Sisters National Standards of Excellence require each volunteer to complete an extensive screening process.
Big Brothers Big Sisters also provides child safety tips to you and your child, and we welcome your questions and feedback. Throughout the life of the match, our professional staff will be in ongoing communication with you, your child, and your child’s Big to ensure the safety of your child and the Big.
When it comes to the future of our children and the well-being of our communities, we’re all in this together. We need the parents and guardians of Littles to be involved every step of the way, starting with the enrollment process. Not only will you provide information about your child’s strengths and needs in the interview, but you’ll also be included in the selection of the Big when the time comes. Once the match is made, you will be an integral part of the planning, communication, and safety monitoring of your child’s match.
A child can enroll in our program if they are between the ages of 6 and 14 years old. Littles can stay in the program until they turn 18 years old or graduate from high school.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Idaho supports matches in Ada and Canyon County.
There is no monetary cost to being in our program, however, once your child is a part of our program we will ask that you complete assigned surveys and make time for monthly or quarterly calls with our staff. If you are in our community program, you will also need to be able to schedule outings with your child’s Big 2-3 times per month.
We believe that all children deserve a mentor. If you have any specific questions about your child, please give us a call at 208-377-2552.