A Big kneeling with her Little

About Us

Our mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Our vision is that all youth achieve their full potential. We believe every child deserves to have a caring, supportive adult in their corner cheering them on. We match these children with a mentor who will be a positive role model, friend, and listening ear. This mentorship relationship empowers the child to dream big, do hard things, step out of their comfort zone, and tackle the challenges this life brings.

A Big kneeling with her Little

Our Impact: Mentoring Works!

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Improved self confidence

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Less likely to get into trouble

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Performed better in school

Together We Ignite, Empower And Defend Potential:

  • Kids who are mentored typically have increased self-confidence, experience less depressive symptoms, improve academically, improve interpersonal relationships, and build resilience. In fact, the number one common factor in kids who develop resilience a relationship with at least one stable, caring adult.
  • Every child deserves to have someone who is there for them, cheering them on, and picking them up when they fall down. That’s what our Bigs to for their Littles.
  • Our average Match length in the program is 3 years, but a lot of Matches go on to have lifelong relationships.
  • The majority of our Bigs say that they get more out of their Match than their Little does.
  • Matches are made intentionally- we match based off of many factors, including personality, hobbies, interests, location, preferences, goals, and more. We try to make the “perfect” match!
  • Matches have fun together, meeting a couple of times a month. For our Community Program Matches meet in the community doing things they both enjoy. We help you find no-to-low cost activities to do, as well as host some of our own activities quarterly. For the School Site Program Matches meet once a week for an hour at lunch time during the school year.

Congratulations to our bigs of the year!

All of our matches are amazing but every year we select a Big Brother and Big Sister who have gone above and beyond for their Little, our agency, and our community. Join us as we celebrate them!

We are linking arms and making a BIG Impact!

Check out our 2023 Annual Impact Report.

Annual Impact Report