
Empower Youth to Stand Against Bullying

October is National Bullying Prevention Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the impact of bullying and the need for proactive solutions. At Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS), we are committed to helping young people navigate the challenges of bullying through mentoring relationships that build confidence, resilience, and a sense of belonging. Whether it’s in school or online, bullying can have long-lasting effects, and we believe that strong mentorship is one of the most powerful ways to combat it.

Understanding Bullying: Beyond the Playground

Bullying comes in many forms, from verbal harassment and physical intimidation to exclusion and cyberbullying. With the rise of social media, bullying has extended beyond the classroom, invading the digital spaces where kids and teens spend much of their time. The anonymity and constant connectivity of the internet make online bullying particularly harmful, as it can follow a young person 24/7.

At BBBS, we know that preventing bullying starts with creating a safe, supportive environment where children feel empowered to speak up and seek help. Our Bigs (mentors) work closely with their Littles (mentees) to build self-esteem and teach critical skills, like conflict resolution and emotional intelligence, which are essential in navigating and confronting bullying situations.

The Role of Internet Safety in Preventing Online Bullying

As technology continues to shape how young people communicate, it’s crucial to address the growing issue of cyberbullying. The digital world presents both opportunities and risks and understanding how to navigate it safely is key to preventing online harassment.

Here are a few internet safety tips we emphasize to Bigs, Littles, and families to help prevent online bullying:

– Strengthen Privacy Settings: Encourage youth to set strong privacy controls on social media platforms, limiting who can see their posts and interact with them. This reduces exposure to potential online bullies.

– Think Before You Share: Teaching kids and teens to pause before posting personal information, photos, or comments online is crucial. Remind them that once something is shared digitally, it can be difficult to remove completely.

– Recognize Red Flags: It’s important to educate youth about the warning signs of cyberbullying—whether they’re the target or an observer. These signs can include receiving hurtful messages, being excluded from online groups, or having personal information shared without consent.

– Know Where to Get Help: Mentors play a pivotal role in making sure Littles know they have someone to talk to if they experience online bullying. We also encourage them to use reporting tools on social media platforms and block bullies when necessary.

Empowering Youth Through Mentorship

At BBBS, our mentors model positive behavior and teach young people how to handle challenging situations with confidence and grace. By fostering open communication and trust, Bigs create a safe space where Littles feel comfortable discussing difficult topics like bullying.

Through our programs, Littles learn to build resilience, set boundaries, and stand up for themselves and others in situations of bullying. These life skills not only help them in the present but also lay the foundation for healthy relationships and digital habits in the future.

Join Us This National Bullying Prevention Month

During National Bullying Prevention Month, let’s stand united against bullying. At BBBS, we are committed to ensuring that every child feels valued, safe, and empowered to be their authentic selves. Join us by becoming a mentor, spreading awareness, and taking action to prevent bullying in all its forms.

For more resources on bullying prevention visit stopbullying.gov.